Captive 8 Privacy Policy

Effective Date: July 21, 2023

Welcome to Captive 8 LLC. Your trust and privacy are of paramount importance to us. This Privacy and Confidentiality Policy outlines the measures and commitments we have established to protect your data, proprietary information, and intellectual property. Every interaction you have with us is governed by this policy.

  1. Intellectual Property Protection

Your intellectual property, whether shared intentionally or gleaned through engagement with our platform or services, is shielded by stringent protections. Unauthorized access, duplication, dissemination, or exploitation of such intellectual property, be it ours or yours, will be viewed as an infringement that could lead to substantial legal repercussions.

  1. Non-Disclosure & Confidentiality Commitment

We treat every piece of information, feedback, business insight, and proprietary data with the utmost respect and confidentiality. Under no circumstance is such information permitted to be disclosed to unauthorized parties. Any violation of this core tenet, be it through oversight or deliberate actions, will attract grave consequences, including potential legal action.

  1. Non-Disparagement Clause

All associates, partners, and users of Captive 8 LLC are bound by an agreement to refrain from any actions, statements, or implications that might besmirch or adversely affect our reputation or operations. Any perceived transgressions against our brand integrity will be viewed as both a violation of this agreement and a direct threat to our organization's foundations.

  1. Non-Competition Clause

By engaging with Captive 8 LLC, users implicitly agree that any methodologies, unique strategies, proprietary systems, or exclusive data they are exposed to will not be used to the advantage of a competitor or be replicated in any unauthorized context. This ensures the singular benefits and competitive edges that Captive 8 LLC offers remain undiluted.

  1. Litigation & Legal Redress

Captive 8 LLC operates under a rigorous legal framework and will vigorously pursue any breaches or violations of this policy. Any infraction, no matter how slight, could bring about considerable harm to our operations and clientele. We are unequivocally committed to ensuring our rights, and those of our partners and users, are preserved. All disputes or litigations will be assessed and ruled upon in accordance with the established laws of the state of Wyoming.

  1. Guarding Against Negligence & Information Leaks

A cornerstone of our operation is the secure handling and processing of all data, ensuring there is no room for unintentional leaks, breaches, or oversights. Any breach, irrespective of its origin or intent, will be treated with the utmost severity and could result in legal repercussions.

We earnestly recommend that all disagreements or discrepancies be routed through mediation. However, should such measures prove ineffective, Captive 8 LLC retains the unyielding right to resort to full legal recourse, emphasizing our staunch adherence to this policy.

For clarifications, feedback, or disputes, kindly direct your correspondence to Engaging with Captive 8 LLC signifies your comprehensive understanding and unwavering acceptance of these outlined terms. Non-adherence is not merely discouraged; it will be acted upon with full legal might.